Welcome to my Genius Hour Project!!!

These are great links to learn coding!

  • Khan Academy gives you tutorials,videos,instructions, and visuals to help you learn.
  • CodeAcademy gives you challenges, instructions, and passages for you to read through and learn.
  • CodeAvengers
  • CodeSchool
  • In order to make a website, you need to learn three of the following languages.
    1. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language is a set of standards used to tag the elements of a document. It is basically a standard hypertext document displayed on the World Wide Web.
    2. Javascript is a language designed for making dynamic tasks. Javascript is a scripting languagee normally used for operators, control statements, and structure. Javascript is a very popular language to learn, however, is more difficult than CSS and HTML.
    3. CSS is a fun language to learn. In CSS, you get to decorate your website. You can add borders, add color to your texts, add pictures and a background image. You can also organize your pictures, and texts. When learning CSS, you learn how to implement colors, borders, pictures, background pictures, and adjusting the sizes, texts, and images.